Hearing Resources

Featured image for “Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids FAQ”
March 13, 2023

Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids FAQ

Did you know that close to 2.5 billion people are predicted to have some kind of hearing disorder by 2050? Or that hearing disorders are among the most common sensory processing disorders, affecting more than 1 in 10 Americans. Though people of all ages can have hearing loss disorders, those aged 60 and up are more likely to be affected. …

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “Tips to Help Your Hearing Aids Last Longer”
March 4, 2023

Tips to Help Your Hearing Aids Last Longer

Hearing aids are an investment, but given all the compounded consequences likely to arise when you fail to treat your hearing loss with the gravity it deserves, such an investment should be a no-brainer. Almost 13% of all Americans live with some detectable degree of hearing less, yet less 20% of these people actually take action to address it. The…

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “Preparing for Emergencies with Hearing Aids”
November 16, 2022

Preparing for Emergencies with Hearing Aids

Any emergency requires preparation. Although it is the nature of an emergency that you don’t know what to expect, there are simple steps you can take to put yourself in a better place of preparedness and awareness. Using all of our senses to communicate is an important strategy. Emergency alert systems tend to use audible warnings to let you know…

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “Over The Counter Hearing Aids”
September 15, 2022

Over The Counter Hearing Aids

With the recent public announcement regarding over the counter (OTC) hearing aids, many folks have questions, as do we. Hearing aids by mail, through the internet, and in chain stores is nothing new. If you open a national magazine, do an internet search, or walk into a big box store, you will find an abundance of direct-to-consumer hearing aids available.…

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “When Should I Update My Hearing Aids?”
August 27, 2022

When Should I Update My Hearing Aids?

If you are the owner of a new pair of hearing aids, congratulations! You can look forward to a long time using these devices to improve your quality of life and communication ability. Your aids are precisely designed to accommodate your condition, and that personalization is crucial to giving you a better hearing profile while preventing further damage to your…

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “Controlling Earwax Improves Hearing Aid Performance”
October 21, 2021

Controlling Earwax Improves Hearing Aid Performance

Your body uses a variety of means to clear out toxins in order for you to remain healthy. Removing toxins from your ears is the purpose behind earwax, which is naturally beneficial. However, if you wear hearing aids, earwax can create instrument performance and longevity issues. To get the most benefit from your hearing aids while allowing your body to do…

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “Buying Hearing Aids From Costco Vs. UpState Hearing – What’s The Difference?”
September 17, 2021

Buying Hearing Aids From Costco Vs. UpState Hearing – What’s The Difference?

When it comes to investing in better hearing, there are a lot of options available on the market and it can be difficult knowing where to go. With a Costco store not too far from our offices, we are regularly asked: “What’s the difference between buying hearing aids from UpState Hearing compared to buying them from Costco?” They want to…

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “Here Is How To Choose The Best Hearing Aid For You”
July 16, 2021

Here Is How To Choose The Best Hearing Aid For You

When we first meet with patients who are struggling with their hearing, the most common question we get is “What hearing aids are the best?” Unfortunately, that is one of the few questions we cannot answer so easily. As one of the most trusted hearing care experts in Northern California, we have to admit that it’s still a difficult question. It’s…

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “Lyric Hearing Aids: Everything That You Need to Know”
June 4, 2021

Lyric Hearing Aids: Everything That You Need to Know

After caring for the hearing healthcare of Redding, Red Bluff, Chico, Susanville, and Weaverville for many years, we have dealt with all the different circumstances of the local people. From people who are eager and ready to address a hearing challenge, to people who are more reluctant due to reasons involving the fear of looking old, or the thought of…

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “Oticon Ruby Hearing Aids: Everything That You Need to Know”
June 4, 2021

Oticon Ruby Hearing Aids: Everything That You Need to Know

Choosing which hearing aid technology is right for you can be a difficult decision. While we try our best to recommend certain types of devices based on your lifestyle, background, and listening preferences, most of the time, the end result is based on which device you are gravitating toward. Throughout our many years of practicing, we often hear the same…

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “Phonak CROS Hearing Aids: Everything That You Need to Know”
June 4, 2021

Phonak CROS Hearing Aids: Everything That You Need to Know

Let’s face it, deciding which type of hearing aid technology is right for you can be difficult, especially if you don’t know too much about the market. With so many different factors to include, such as real ear measurements, hearing aid fitting, listening preferences, and device functionality, sometimes making your decision can take longer than expected. As California’s most trusted…

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “Oticon More Reviews: A Comprehensive And Independent Review By Patients In California”
May 10, 2021

Oticon More Reviews: A Comprehensive And Independent Review By Patients In California

On January 13th, world-renowned manufacturer Oticon launched their much-anticipated new hearing technology, the Oticon MORE hearing aid. But as you may have noticed, we haven’t said much about it publically. The reason is, although the initial reviews online have been glowingly positive, before we recommend any technology, we first wanted a small number of our trusted patients to trial it and hear…

Joshua Fockler, HIS

Featured image for “Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids FAQ”
March 13, 2023

Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids FAQ

Did you know that close to 2.5 billion people are predicted to have some kind of hearing disorder by 2050? Or that hearing disorders are among the most common sensory processing disorders, affecting more than 1 in 10 Americans. Though people of all ages can have hearing loss disorders, those aged 60 and up are more likely to be affected. …

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “Tips to Help Your Hearing Aids Last Longer”
March 4, 2023

Tips to Help Your Hearing Aids Last Longer

Hearing aids are an investment, but given all the compounded consequences likely to arise when you fail to treat your hearing loss with the gravity it deserves, such an investment should be a no-brainer. Almost 13% of all Americans live with some detectable degree of hearing less, yet less 20% of these people actually take action to address it. The…

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “Preparing for Emergencies with Hearing Aids”
November 16, 2022

Preparing for Emergencies with Hearing Aids

Any emergency requires preparation. Although it is the nature of an emergency that you don’t know what to expect, there are simple steps you can take to put yourself in a better place of preparedness and awareness. Using all of our senses to communicate is an important strategy. Emergency alert systems tend to use audible warnings to let you know…

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “Over The Counter Hearing Aids”
September 15, 2022

Over The Counter Hearing Aids

With the recent public announcement regarding over the counter (OTC) hearing aids, many folks have questions, as do we. Hearing aids by mail, through the internet, and in chain stores is nothing new. If you open a national magazine, do an internet search, or walk into a big box store, you will find an abundance of direct-to-consumer hearing aids available.…

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “When Should I Update My Hearing Aids?”
August 27, 2022

When Should I Update My Hearing Aids?

If you are the owner of a new pair of hearing aids, congratulations! You can look forward to a long time using these devices to improve your quality of life and communication ability. Your aids are precisely designed to accommodate your condition, and that personalization is crucial to giving you a better hearing profile while preventing further damage to your…

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “Controlling Earwax Improves Hearing Aid Performance”
October 21, 2021

Controlling Earwax Improves Hearing Aid Performance

Your body uses a variety of means to clear out toxins in order for you to remain healthy. Removing toxins from your ears is the purpose behind earwax, which is naturally beneficial. However, if you wear hearing aids, earwax can create instrument performance and longevity issues. To get the most benefit from your hearing aids while allowing your body to do…

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “Buying Hearing Aids From Costco Vs. UpState Hearing – What’s The Difference?”
September 17, 2021

Buying Hearing Aids From Costco Vs. UpState Hearing – What’s The Difference?

When it comes to investing in better hearing, there are a lot of options available on the market and it can be difficult knowing where to go. With a Costco store not too far from our offices, we are regularly asked: “What’s the difference between buying hearing aids from UpState Hearing compared to buying them from Costco?” They want to…

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “Here Is How To Choose The Best Hearing Aid For You”
July 16, 2021

Here Is How To Choose The Best Hearing Aid For You

When we first meet with patients who are struggling with their hearing, the most common question we get is “What hearing aids are the best?” Unfortunately, that is one of the few questions we cannot answer so easily. As one of the most trusted hearing care experts in Northern California, we have to admit that it’s still a difficult question. It’s…

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “Lyric Hearing Aids: Everything That You Need to Know”
June 4, 2021

Lyric Hearing Aids: Everything That You Need to Know

After caring for the hearing healthcare of Redding, Red Bluff, Chico, Susanville, and Weaverville for many years, we have dealt with all the different circumstances of the local people. From people who are eager and ready to address a hearing challenge, to people who are more reluctant due to reasons involving the fear of looking old, or the thought of…

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “Oticon Ruby Hearing Aids: Everything That You Need to Know”
June 4, 2021

Oticon Ruby Hearing Aids: Everything That You Need to Know

Choosing which hearing aid technology is right for you can be a difficult decision. While we try our best to recommend certain types of devices based on your lifestyle, background, and listening preferences, most of the time, the end result is based on which device you are gravitating toward. Throughout our many years of practicing, we often hear the same…

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “Phonak CROS Hearing Aids: Everything That You Need to Know”
June 4, 2021

Phonak CROS Hearing Aids: Everything That You Need to Know

Let’s face it, deciding which type of hearing aid technology is right for you can be difficult, especially if you don’t know too much about the market. With so many different factors to include, such as real ear measurements, hearing aid fitting, listening preferences, and device functionality, sometimes making your decision can take longer than expected. As California’s most trusted…

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Featured image for “Oticon More Reviews: A Comprehensive And Independent Review By Patients In California”
May 10, 2021

Oticon More Reviews: A Comprehensive And Independent Review By Patients In California

On January 13th, world-renowned manufacturer Oticon launched their much-anticipated new hearing technology, the Oticon MORE hearing aid. But as you may have noticed, we haven’t said much about it publically. The reason is, although the initial reviews online have been glowingly positive, before we recommend any technology, we first wanted a small number of our trusted patients to trial it and hear…

Joshua Fockler, HIS

14 Day Test Drive

14-Day Test-Drive All Hearing Technology

You wouldn’t buy a car without having a test-drive, and we don’t expect you to invest in better hearing without first experiencing the difference for yourself.

UpState Hearing Instruments proudly offer 14-day test-drives on all hearing technology, giving you the confidence that you’re making the right decision.

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