Why You May Have a Hearing Loss Without Realizing It

Why You May Have a Hearing Loss Without Realizing It

As your hearing goes, your brain makes adjustments to try to overcome the lack of certain sounds. This occurs over an extended period of time, making you unaware that you are experiencing hearing loss until it becomes a struggle to communicate like you used to. Because untreated hearing loss continues to cause damage until it is corrected, it is essential to identify it as early as possible. As a means of encouraging the members of our UpState California community to seek help sooner rather than later, we have compiled several indicators that you may have hearing loss without realizing it.

“Could You Speak Louder, Please?”

Though some people speak too softly, mumble or speak too fast, you should not have an issue understanding most people. Struggling to understand others because their speech is too soft or lacks clarity is a classic indicator of hearing issues. Constantly asking those around you to repeat themselves is a sign that it might be time to seek help.

Continuous Ringing in Your Head

A continuous ringing, buzzing, hissing, or humming inside your head are all characteristics of tinnitus. Tinnitus is a symptom of early-stage hearing loss. Though it does not cause hearing loss, tinnitus is often an indicator that certain tones and sound frequencies are no longer reaching your brain, and it is creating a noise that does not really exist.

Withdrawal From Family Gatherings or Social Events

Individuals with hearing loss often bow out of attending family gatherings or social events because conversations, where there is a lot of background noise, are frustrating. Many people with hearing loss experience extreme exhaustion during and following social events because they spent the entire time straining to keep up with what was being said to them or around them. Seeking help for hearing loss might allow you to enjoy a night out or social gatherings again.

Avoid Using the Phone

Do you avoid using the phone and prefer face to face conversation? Knowingly or unknowingly, during face-to-face conversations, you rely on non-verbal cues to understand conversations. When those non-verbal cues are no longer available, which is the case with phone conversations, you struggle to make sense of the conversation. Consequently, avoiding the use of the phone could indicate issues with your hearing.

Problems Understanding Face-to-Face Conversations

People say crazy things, but that is the exception rather than the rule. What usually makes conversations strange is a problem distinguishing various consonant sounds from each other. In addition, some words or entire phrases spoken in higher-pitched tones, like when speaking to women or children, might be missed entirely. Both of these are classic indicators of hearing loss.

Friends and Family Are Telling You to Get Your Hearing Checked

Because hearing loss comes on slowly, it is likely that family, friends, and coworkers will recognize the problem before you do. These individuals typically have your best interest in mind when they tell you to get your hearing checked. Regardless of whether or not they are tactful about it, if this is happening with greater frequency, it could mean that you have hearing loss.

UpState Hearing Instruments Helps Identify and Correct Hearing Loss

One or several of these issues could mean that you are experiencing hearing loss. However, the only way to really know whether you have hearing loss is to have your hearing tested. UpState Hearing Instruments helps identify and correct hearing loss so that you can continue living an independent and rewarding lifestyle. Contact us if you or a loved one is experiencing these early indicators so you or they can get the help they need.

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

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With so many myths and misinformation about hearing loss and hearing care, it’s often the unknowns or confusion that holds us back from making the right decisions.

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