What Can I Expect at a Hearing Assessment

What Can I Expect at a Hearing Assessment

Your hearing health is essential to maintaining better overall well-being as well as enjoying a higher quality of living. For individuals experiencing hearing loss, better hearing begins with identifying and correcting the problem. Many people avoid having a hearing assessment due to misunderstandings of the process. Others who have scheduled an appointment might feel a bit intimidated about the unknown. Here is the common process followed during a hearing assessment to help ease the minds of those who might come to us for a hearing assessment

Initial Consultation

Your hearing test will begin with an initial consultation during which we will become better acquainted with each other. This time will allow us to gain an understanding of the issues that are causing you concern as well as the goals you have in mind for better hearing. At the same time, you are able to ask us questions to learn more about who we are and what we do. Our initial consultation establishes the framework upon which our hearing health partnership will be built.

Physical Examination

Among the most common issues associated with hearing loss are obstructions. Obstructions can include earwax buildup, inflammation, a growth or tumor, or even a bug lodged in the ear canal. So, before we do a hearing test, we use an otoscope (a tapered magnifying glass with a light on the tip) to examine your ear canal. Our physical examination also allows us to identify damage to your eardrum.

Diagnostic Auditory Evaluation

For this stage of testing, you will be equipped with a set of high-tech headphones and seated in a soundproof booth. We will transmit a series of tones or spoken words at various frequencies and volumes into the headphones. You will respond to each of the tones or words as you hear them. The results of these tests will be recorded on a chart, called an audiogram, for later evaluation and discussion. These tests establish the various volume and tone thresholds you are able to hear in order to help diagnose your specific level of hearing loss as well as program hearing instruments if needed.

Other Tests

Additional tests might include a tympanometry or tuning fork test. For the first of these tests, a tympanometer is placed against the opening to your ear canal and alters the pressure inside your ear for a few seconds while a tone is transmitted and we measure how your eardrum responds to it. In the second test, we activate a tuning fork and place it on a bone behind one of your ears to determine whether sound signals are being picked up by the auditory nerve.

Reviewing Your Audiogram

Once your tests are finished, we will discuss the various results discovered during testing and explain what each means. We will discuss how various instruments can help enhance or restore hearing loss, if necessary. Your input during this review is extremely important as we explore the options best suited to your lifestyle, occupation, and personal hearing care goals. If your hearing tests normal, then we have a solid baseline against which to evaluate future changes and we can consider options to protect your ears from future damage.

UpState Hearing Instruments Provides Comprehensive Hearing Evaluations

Your hearing is crucial for maintaining a healthy, active, rewarding, and independent lifestyle, which can be interrupted due to hearing loss. To start down the path to better hearing, either through prevention or restoration requires a hearing assessment.

UpState Hearing Instruments provides comprehensive hearing evaluations to identify and program the right instruments to improve the hearing and quality of life of Redding, CA residents. If you or someone you love might be suffering from hearing loss, right now is the best time to contact us with questions or to schedule an assessment.

Kenneth H. Wood, BC-HIS

Request a Callback

With so many myths and misinformation about hearing loss and hearing care, it’s often the unknowns or confusion that holds us back from making the right decisions.

That’s why we have a hearing care expert available to help.

If you have a question, or would like to speak to a professional privately about the challenges that you may be facing, then simply request a callback and we’ll call you for a friendly no-obligation conversation.