Oticon More Reviews: A Comprehensive And Independent Review By Patients In California

Oticon More Reviews: A Comprehensive And Independent Review By Patients In California

On January 13th, world-renowned manufacturer Oticon launched their much-anticipated new hearing technology, the Oticon MORE hearing aid.

But as you may have noticed, we haven’t said much about it publically.

The reason is, although the initial reviews online have been glowingly positive, before we recommend any technology, we first wanted a small number of our trusted patients to trial it and hear their feedback first-hand.

So, we invited some of our experienced patients to be fit with the Oticon MORE hearing aid, put it to the test, and share their feedback with us.

But first, let’s look at why the Oticon More hearing aids have received so much attention from the hearing care industry.

Why Is The Oticon MORE Hearing Aid Different?

Oticon MORE hearing aids introduce an entirely new way to support hearing loss by introducing a new intelligent Deep Neural Network (DNN), which has been trained with 12 million sound scenes based on real-life sounds.

This means that the sound quality and experience feels far more natural, providing your brain with access to all the relevant sounds it needs while ensuring sound remains comfortable.

Oticon Hearing aid

It also comes with features such as rechargeable long-life batteries. Plus, Bluetooth connectivity to connect your devices to your cell phone, television, or computer to stream audio or phone calls directly to your ears.

This technology works differently from anything before it, and it truly feels like a large leap forward for the industry, but what the manufacturer says does not matter; the only opinions that truly matter are those of our patients.

That’s why we asked some of our long-standing, trusted patients to test-drive the Oticon MORE hearing devices and share their honest feedback.

What Was The Feedback From Our Trusted Patients?

We were very particular about who we invited to be part of this trial – it had to be patients that had lots of experience wearing hearing devices and could clearly identify what they liked and what they didn’t like.

After personally contacting a small handful of patients, seven of them stepped forward to be fitted with the Oticon MORE hearing aid and walked away to put it through its paces for 14 days.

Here’s what they had to say:

Blake B said that the first thing that he noticed was that he could hear better around crowds, and that the sound quality was a lot better than his existing devices. He liked the number of options it had through the App and he rated them 9 out of 10 and said he would recommend them to others

Cathrynn G said she could hear much more on the TV and was not missing as much dialogue when the actors spoke softly. She shared that her husband can tell the difference in her responses and that she would recommend them to others.

Donna rated them 10 out of 10 and said they were better in all areas compared to her existing devices. She said that she strongly recommends that others try them also.

Ronnie B shared how he loved that they were rechargeable and had Bluetooth connectivity and the sound quality was much better than his existing devices. He shared how he had always thought that his truck was nice and quiet until he got his new hearing aids! He rated them 9 out of 10 and said that he would recommend them to others.

Susan shared how she heard sounds that she had previously forgotten like birds and crickets; she rated them 10 out of 10 and said she would recommend them to others.

Joe T said he would recommend them to others as he noticed a much better sound quality compared to his existing devices, with better clarity being his stand-out realization when watching TV. He rated them 8 out of 10.

Robert noticed how sound was much clearer and that he could pick up certain sounds far more distinctly. As a music lover, he shared how they allowed him to hear singing over the instruments far better. He said that he would recommend them to others.

The feedback was highly positive overall, with many of the people who test-drove them deciding that they didn’t want to give them back and upgrading their technology.

Oticon more hearing aids test-drive banner

Would You Like To Also Experience The Difference?

It can be difficult to explain the fine difference between one level of hearing technology and another, although our patients have done a tremendous job. That’s why, if you are interested in upgrading your technology or investing in your first set of devices, then you’re encouraged to also test-drive the Oticon More devices.

With our UpState 14-Day Test-Drive, you can be fitted with these hearing aids and “try before you buy” to ensure they’re right for you.

To schedule your appointment, then click here to find your local office or schedule your appointment online by clicking here.

If you have any questions, then we’re here to help.

Joshua Fockler, HIS

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With so many myths and misinformation about hearing loss and hearing care, it’s often the unknowns or confusion that holds us back from making the right decisions.

That’s why we have a hearing care expert available to help.

If you have a question, or would like to speak to a professional privately about the challenges that you may be facing, then simply request a callback and we’ll call you for a friendly no-obligation conversation.